About Me

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Oxford, Massachusetts,, United States
Hi, My name is Kimberly. I decided to blog about my journey to a healthy me. At present I am 50 yo, I weigh about 225 lb (edit...down to 185) I am 5' 10" tall; Re-married Mom of 2 wonderful "boys" (24& 25). I work as an executive assistant, have a fabulous Husband and life would be perfect if I could just learn to budget, get my bills paid and reduce my size by about 60 (edit: 20 more) lb!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I have reached the 25 released mark!!

Not sure why this seems like such a milestone, but I am syched! this means I have lost over 10% of my body weight!  I mean wow just think of it. I have released the amount of a 1 yr old child!  I still have a ways to go, another 35 lbs to be exact. But I am loving this. I can "shop" for clothing in the back of my closet where I pushed them because I knew they were too tight.

Not really having a good day today, work wise. I have a woman I work with that sometimes I just want to SLAP. she does things to undermine me, and runs to my boss everytime she THINKS she has some sort of mistake I have made.  I don't get it. she has a higher possition than mine. so she can't want my job. Is it that she is jelous of something else? the good repore I have with people. I can't begin to tell. I would love to ask her. Just sit down and say...what is it that you stand to gain by doing that? Why do you TRY your best to get under people's skin. (because it isn't just me...there is another girl she had in TEARS the other day.)  So I am just venting. I'm done now.  Just wow. Why?

So I have made my final decision. to go off HCG and into P3 the 2nd week of Oct.  So I will have 3 weeks at P3 and 3 weeks at P4. Then start up HCG for Thanksgiving Load Days.
Then I will have to be good at Christmas, but that should n't be too hard. Next round will only be 20 - 25 days. I don't think I could do 45 days on the VLCD again. I am doing GREAT. but it really is something you have to totally commit to, and be completely STRICT with.
I did GREAT the first 30 days. but I have started DREAMING about Food. Thinking about the things I can't have. I think 30 days is long enough to deprive myself of things.

However, I am going to be really good about the healthy foods we eat. and the unhealthy foods we are no longer going to eat. Going to start eating more towards a glutin free diet.
Health is so important.

Today's Plan:
  • Brkfst: Apple, Coffee
  • Lunch: grilled chicken, salad, red wine vinegar
  • Dinner: Sauted cabbage, onion & Shrimp
  • Snack: Strawberries w/stevia

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